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SSP Portal

The Safety Service Patrol (SSP) Portal is a secured online resource available to managers of SSPs across the nation. Within this portal, managers of SSPs have the opportunity to view’s National SSP Chart, a resource database for patrols nationwide that highlights pertinent information about most patrols in the U.S. The National SSP Chart includes the following information:

  • Patrol Name 
  • State Population
  • Agency
  • Coverage Area
  • Fleet Size
  • Patrol Size
  • Highway Signs
  • Centerline Miles Covered
  • Annual Incidents
  • Hours of Operation

The SSP Portal also serves as a space for managers to update and send in their patrol information. The information shown on the National SSP Chart is only as current and up-to-date as new data comes in, so we appreciate your input!

If you are a manager of a Safety Service Patrol and would like to register for access to this database, please fill out the form below. Once filled out, a team member will review your submission and grant you access to the Portal, if approved.