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Mar 14 is a forum for the Safety Service Patrol community to share, learn and discuss best practices and lessons learned.


If you are involved with Safety Service Patrols, whether a director, manager, operator, driver or just an interested party, is a network for you.

Tell us what questions need to be addressed and what latest developments are helping Safety Service Patrols. We welcome your ideas and suggestions and invite you to sign-up for our mailing list where you will be notified of upcoming Idea Sharing Network sessions.

Photo from Virginia Department of Transportation Flickr and by Tom Saunders, VDOT.’s SSP Idea Sharing Network held a successful virtual Show and Tell event on February 10, 2021. During this interactive 2-hour session, SSP professionals had the chance to see the different types of equipment and vehicles from several SSP operators across the country, followed by Q&A from the audience. The presenters planned and developed live and pre-recorded presentations, using their knowledge, experience, and creativity to provide the audience with valuable and informative take-aways.

North Texas Tollway Authority was voted the Best Presentation Overall by the audience of 100 transportation professionals. Check out their presentation below! To view others presentations and resources, please visit .